Processing of invoices, bank transactions and tax invoices
Transition from cooperation with a few energy partners to thousands of counterparties
Ukraine’s electricity regulator faced the challenge of implementing an auction mechanism as it needed to move from a few distribution partners to thousands of counterparties.
The existing processes could not scale to cope with this growth, and the implementation of an ERP system would take at least 9 months.
The introduction of software robots has automated 95% of invoicing, payment and tax document preparation processes, reducing the need to hire accountants. 5% of operations requiring manual processing.
The robot operates in a virtual environment and produces results in Excel format for business users.
The following results were achieved through the robotisation of the described business process:
1. The speed of the business process has increased by 15 times.
2. The robotisation of the process prevented the additional hiring of more than 10 employees, which the company would have had to dismiss after the ERP system was put into commercial operation.
3. The level of manual errors was reduced to zero.
Together with our consultants, you need to choose one of the typical business processes on which we can conduct a pilot project and calculate the effect. The pilot project does not require any investment in licences. The estimated time for the pilot project is 2 weeks.