
Checking the register of debtors


The process required banks to hire 5-15 additional employees

Pursuant to a resolution of the National Bank of Ukraine, banks in Ukraine are required to check all customers for debt recovery cases when opening/closing accounts.

The verification requires that the customer’s data be entered into the unified register of debtors of the Ministry of Justice, and if the customer is a debtor, the bank must notify the state enforcement officer listed in the register.

Implementation of this regulation required banks to hire 5-15 additional employees for this process. Automated banking systems were expected to implement this function within 9-12 months.

The developed robot accesses the automated banking system, checks the bank's clients against the unified register of debtors, generates letters to the state enforcement officer. If a match is found, and sends the letters either to the bank's office or directly to the state enforcement officer.

The following results were achieved through the robotisation of the described business process:

1. The speed of the business process has increased by 15 times.

2. The robotisation of the process eliminated the need to expand the staff
staff to meet the requirements of the regulator.

3. The timeframe for developing the business process from the business analysis stage to industrial
the business process from the business analysis stage to the industrial production was 1 month.

Together with our consultants, you need to choose one of the typical business processes on which we can conduct a pilot project and calculate the effect. The pilot project does not require any investment in licences. The estimated time for the pilot project is 2 weeks.